Skiena's Algorithms is a Lecture notes about data structures and algorithms which is published by Stony Brook University and is written By Steven Skiena. This Lecture notes are of video lecturers, audio lectures and PDF notes. Topic covered in this data structures and algorithms lecturer notes are
1 Introduction to Algorithms
2 Asymptotic Notation
3 Modeling / Logarithms
4 Elementary Data Structures
5 Dictionary data structures / Trees
6 Sorting
7 Heapsort/Priority Queues
8 Quicksort
9 Linear Sorting
10 Graph Data Structures
11 Breadth/Depth-First Search
12 Topological Sort / Connectivity
13 Minimum Spanning Trees
14 Shortest Path
15 All-Pairs Shortest Paths
16 Combinatorial Search
17 Program optimization
18 Introduction to Dynamic Programming
19 Examples of Dynamic Programming
20 Introduction to NP-completeness
21 Reductions
22 More Reductions
23 Cook's Theorem / Harder Reduction
24 The NP-completeness challenge
25 Approximation Algorithms
26 Heuristic Methods
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1 Introduction to Algorithms
2 Asymptotic Notation
3 Modeling / Logarithms
4 Elementary Data Structures
5 Dictionary data structures / Trees
6 Sorting
7 Heapsort/Priority Queues
8 Quicksort
9 Linear Sorting
10 Graph Data Structures
11 Breadth/Depth-First Search
12 Topological Sort / Connectivity
13 Minimum Spanning Trees
14 Shortest Path
15 All-Pairs Shortest Paths
16 Combinatorial Search
17 Program optimization
18 Introduction to Dynamic Programming
19 Examples of Dynamic Programming
20 Introduction to NP-completeness
21 Reductions
22 More Reductions
23 Cook's Theorem / Harder Reduction
24 The NP-completeness challenge
25 Approximation Algorithms
26 Heuristic Methods
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